We are cooking up something exciting & biblically nutritious for your kids!
We are cooking up something exciting & biblically nutritious for your kids!
Kids’ Meals Has over 5 hours of activities per lesson. It Has both skits and crafts, allowing you to choose.
Have you ever taught a lesson and thought the kids just didn’t get it and you wished you had some way of teaching it again? Our curriculum Has enough activities to teach the same lesson 3 times (90-minute services).
Kids’ Meals Has over 5 hours of activities per lesson. It Has both skits and crafts, allowing you to choose.
Have you ever taught a lesson and thought the kids just didn’t get it and you wished you had some way of teaching it again? Our curriculum Has enough activities to teach the same lesson 3 times (90-minute services).
Kids for Christ - We hold weekly Bible studies for two different Bible clubs in the Tulsa Oklahoma area. These clubs are held in public elementary schools. We meet before school with an average of 140 kids attending each week.
In conjunction with our Kids for Christ Bible studies we have an opportunity to help provide food for some of the underprivileged families that students enrolled in the same schools we have Bible studies in. During Christmas 2016 we provide 26 turkeys for the underprivileged families in one of the schools. This spring we are looking to give away hamburger meat during the spring break. This is a time when kids are home and don't have the benefits of meals at the school.
This is our daughter Julie Karnuth. Of course she has been our God given assignment. Her heart is to minister Christ to the Islamic community. I believe that raising up laborers to work in the harvest fields is definitely one of God's biggest projects. If you'd like to follow her, click the picture to view her blog at https://fullydevoted.wordpress.com
Children immensely enjoy Kirk as he ministers by using creative illustrated sermons, games that teach, and the antics of two characters-Goslow and Dr. Professor Nut-in-Head. These characters help to dynamically reveal Bible truths to children.
God has also anointed Kirk (and Diane) to flow in the gifts of the Spirit teaching children how to hear the Holy Spirit and yield to Him at an early age.
Diane complements Kirk by ministering to the young children, babies, and toddlers, through instilling foundational Bible truths at an early age and by assisting him during children's services.